Fat experiences

Barely recognizable

I'm far from unrecognisable, but I hope it's ok if I join in.

My nan is quite old fashioned, and from a time where the only desirable/acceptable thing was to be slim. She sees being chubby/fat as an affliction, or like having a spot on your face or something. 'Oh, she's pretty it's a shame she's a bit fat', 'oh look at her, she still has a belly since having her baby'. She makes comments like this all the time, about people in the street or on tv and she lowers her voice when saying it as if it's just a bit of gossip rather than a rude comment. It's like she's talking about someone having a big nose or a limp. Being fat is something you 'suffer from' basically, if you follow me?

So it's been strange to see her after gaining a belly of my own knowing how she feels. She has made a few comments. I don't take them as hurtful it's just a bit funny to me, I can tell she doesn't know how to act really... Like she now realises she shouldn't say these things about anybody, but also doesn't know any different.

We have been out to the shops and I've caught her staring at my stomach and she points out things like a flowy top that will 'cover up a bit of a tummy'.

Also my wardrobe isn't entirely caught up with my larger size yet and sometimes it's like I forget. I remember a certain outfit or top or skirt that I have, and it's only when I put it on/try to put it on that I see that it doesn't fit or doesn't look good on me now because of my little gut 😅
5 years

Barely recognizable

This actually happened to me. I was pretty fit until I gave into the gainer lifestyle. It had been a few months since I last saw my parents and I had put on like 50 pounds but my own mother didn't recognize me when I first pulled up. A couple of years later, I'm another 170 pounds heavier and I don't recognize myself sometimes.
5 years

Barely recognizable

Oh yes, although not to me personally. When i met my girlfriend she wasn't exactly thin, but not fat either, i'd say curvy. But now over the years she has ballooned up with more than 100 pounds extra on her.

Aside from all the extra weight, she also got glasses. So now her jawline is gone and replaced with a double chin and she wears glasses. It happened multiple times that we came across someone in public who didn't as much as look at her with interest, only for her to explain to me afterwards that she knew that person for about 3 years or so.
5 years

Barely recognizable

Yes, my wife is visually unrecognizable. But there are even more surreal changes IMO.

Holding her hand is like holding the hand of a different person. It's so chubby now.

The feel of her skin. Her thighs and butt have that glossy smooth, stretched out skin feel. No more of her goose-pimple sun kissed skin when she was ultra-skinny.

It's also so annoying when we get separated at amusement parks or a concert because I have a hard time instantly recognizing her!
5 years

Barely recognizable

I used to be really skinny back in my teens when I lived with my family.
After I move in with my gf and I started packing know the pounds I noticed I looked really different. So when I went to see my family (I hadn't seen them in almost a year) I was at least 60 pounds heavier (mostly all of my weight goes to the belly and my face) and when they saw me they were in shock.
I know I'm not entirely different, but the change was shocking for them, at least after being used to see me Slim and fit not so long ago.
I like it when they all start to say I'm out of shape and need to go on diet and stuff.
They have no clue what I'm into, and I kinda like that
5 years